email validator

Email Validator

Our software cross checks the email list from different sources & cleans up the bad email list for better delivery rate

Email template

Design Tracker

Cross-checks email campaign rendering, functionalities, layout & content across mobile, desktop & tablets for a better UX

email analytics reporting

Email Analyst

Monitors email campaign performance like delivery rate, open rate, read rate, bounce rate, call to action & engagement metrics

drip email

Drip Mailer

Email automation tool with email scheduling feature according to performance analysis through our partner service providers

Email Marketing Strategy

We do a bit of research about the target audience. Accordingly we craft the content strategy along with email scheduling & process it through our proven lead funnel technique.

Lead Magnet Creation

Lead magnet consists of several techniques while incentivising people some value ( free ebooks, guides) in exchange of their email ids. This helps us grow our email list over time.

Email List Capturing

We insert call to action into your website or social media page though pop up forms, floating headers, sidebar forms, chatbox etc to convert your visitors into email subscribers.

Email Designing

Our experts create aesthetically appealing email designs, content & offers after testing compatibility & spam filters across different browsers, devices & client-specific requirements. .

Email Performance Reporting

We regularly monitor inactivity, IP reputation, blacklisting, SPF, DMARC & DKIM. Campaign performance reports for email deliverability & engagement Metrics are assessed regularly.

Email Automation & Integration

From email crafting, scheduling to real-time lead capturing, the entire email marketing process is automated though our native tools along with several services from third parties.

plixbox email marketing service


Email Campaign Strategy

  • Customized News-letter, promotion mail, subscription & offers campaigns
  • Email Sequencing and Drip Marketing
  • Inbound Email Database Procurement
  • Email Template design & optimized content
  • Target Audience selection
  • Information intelligence & filtering
  • Landing page optimization

Campaign Reports

  • Open rate, bounce rate, Click through rate
  • Spam delivery monitoring

Why Plixbox for Email marketing services?

Plixbox provides end to end email marketing agency service and solutions along with email marketing software to help you grow and reach your audience in an effective way. Our ROI driven email marketing campaigns have witnessed more open rate with a significant reduction in bounce rate and email spamming. Plixbox offers advertising services along with our lead magnet technique to grow your email list. To increase engagement, we do scheduled blogging, offers & promotions of freebies with rich content & catchy headlines. Our email marketing specialist will be monitoring your email campaigns weekly and optimize your emails to receive optimal results.