
Search Engine Optimization

Do you want to be on Google’s first page? We can help you reach to the top and increase your traffic. 

Google ads

Paid Advertisements

Want to get leads & outrank your competitors? Our experts will manage & optimise campaigns for a better ROI.

social media marketing

Social Media Marketing

From creation of posts to making it viral, our social media experts give you best result for every penny you spend

email marketing

EMAIL Marketing

Our proven strategies ensure maximum open rate for your Email campaigns while giving a boost to your online traffic 


Digital advertising has evolved considerably since the first clickable ad hit the internet in 1994. Today, instead of advertising creating noise that distracts from the content your buyers want to read, digital advertising can be part of an ongoing conversation that your brand has with its customers.

Digital ads are everywhere. They can be seen on the websites your buyer visits, on her mobile phone, on social media channels, and on her smart watch. Because advertising proliferates across so many channels, including very personal channels, you need to be more cognizant than ever before about providing useful, engaging content. Luckily, due to behavioral targeting technologies and platforms like marketing automation, these continuous conversations are possible. And by leveraging these technologies at scale, you can nurture your buyers in a very personalized way until they are ready to become customers.

Digital advertising creates powerful opportunities to tell brand stories at scale and in context. Through ads on various devices and channels, marketers can reach larger audiences in a way that is real-time and increasingly personal.


Website Audit

  • Domain Overview, Website Health Check, Page & Meta Analysis, Content & Image Analysis, Links Analysis, Responsiveness check, 404 errors report etc

On-page & Off-page Optimization

  • Unique & SEO friendly content writing
  • Attractive & optimized images & graphics
  • Key-word research in paid tools like Ahrefs, Semrush etc
  • Meta tag, Alt Text, Website speed optimization
  • Link building & back-link propagation

Local SEO

  • Continuous local traffic audit & monitoring
  • Location, Social & Review Signals creation


Website Audit

  • Domain Overview, Website Health Check, Page & Meta Analysis, Content & Image Analysis, Links Analysis, Responsiveness check, 404 errors report etc

On-page & Off-page Optimization

  • Unique & SEO friendly content writing
  • Attractive & optimized images & graphics
  • Key-word research in paid tools like Ahrefs, Semrush etc
  • Meta tag, Alt Text, Website speed optimization
  • Link building & back-link propagation

Local SEO

  • Continuous local traffic audit & monitoring
  • Location, Social & Review Signals creation


Pay Per Click (PPC)

  • Google Ads, Bing Ads, Yahoo Ads
  • Affiliate link building
  • Youtube skippable & non-skippable video Ads

Facebook Pixel

  • Page Promotion, Content Promotion, Non Skippable  Facebook Video Ads
  • Instagram story & content


  • Twitter Ads Management, Linkedin Ads 
  • Quora, Tumblr, Reddit etc
  • Programmatic Ads management  &Mobile application Ad insert


What do we do?

  • Graphics, Posters creation
  • Highly engaging Content Write-ups
  • Social Media Influencer Marketing
  • Paid promotions for Branding+Lead generation
  • ROI based campaigns for low CPM, CPC & CPL
  • Social Media Community Management

Content seeding Platforms

  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, Reddit etc
  • Product specific social media channels
  • Insights, report, analytics for optimized results


What do we do?

  • Graphics, Posters creation
  • Highly engaging Content Write-ups
  • Social Media Influencer Marketing
  • Paid promotions for Branding+Lead generation
  • ROI based campaigns for low CPM, CPC & CPL
  • Social Media Community Management

Content seeding Platforms

  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, Reddit etc
  • Product specific social media channels
  • Insights, report, analytics for optimized results


Email Campaign Strategy

  • Customized News-letter, promotion mail, subscription & offers campaigns
  • Email Sequencing and Drip Marketing
  • Inbound Email Database Procurement
  • Email Template design & optimized content
  • Target Audience selection
  • Information intelligence & filtering
  • Landing page optimization

Campaign Reports

  • Open rate, bounce rate, Click through rate
  • Spam delivery monitoring

Content Marketing

The world has closed its doors on traditional marketing activity. Consumers have shut off traditional promotional messages and advertorial copy from their browsers. Whilst there may be a place for some forms of brand marketing, it’s interesting to note that 73% of consumers now fast forward their TV adverts, and 62% of online users now block adverts from Google and YouTube. Smart marketers understand that traditional marketing is becoming less effective and the need for content marketing is ever growing.

  • Blogging – SEO friendly blogs writing
  • Highly engaging & informative content
  • News Creation – Industry specific trending news
  • Press Release – Information about new product/ event 
  • Interviews – Company creation story, growth , inspiration, culture
  • Case studies – Portfolio having stories, info-graphics & results
  • White paper Publication – Business intelligence report, forecasting etc

Web Analytics

Every business owner needs their marketing activity to generate inbound leads. Using enterprise technology – previously only available to large corporations – you can now track your website prospects, monitor their engagement and automatically assign your Sales Team to work on new business. Google Analytics tells you how many people have been on your website, but our lead generation system tells you exactly who has been on your website. It provides the contact information and tracks their behaviour and will automatically rank your prospects based on their purchasing behaviour – all before an enquiry is even made.


Utilising the very latest white-hat techniques, PLIXBOX can get your website to page 1 of Google over a 6 – 12 month period. We achieve these rankings for our clients by using an approved method of online content submission by writing blog posts, PR articles and videos about your key phrases. This method of SEO is organic and produces off-page backlinks to your website. It also encourages viral marketing as users comment and link back to the posts. When you combine this strategy with on-page optimisation on your landing pages, Google will steadily rank your site higher, until you reach the top. We combine direct linking with a range of secondary links from directories, social bookmarks and other social streams. Through managing your social media channels, we can help boost your SEO results effectively. Find out more about Social Media Marketing.

Paid Search

Pay per click (PPC) can be a shot in the arm for a new site, or a competitive tool when other brands are snagging traffic that you’d like to draw in your direction. PLIXBOX’s PPC team will help you lay the foundation for success with an in-depth research and strategy design process.Your campaigns are supported by great technology, from custom AdWords Scripts to market-leading middleware like Marin.Our approach to PPC is grounded in highly granular data, showing you exactly where you have opportunities to improve and how much you will benefit.